The Tirosh Standard


What is Tirosh ('tee-roshe')? In the New Testament of the Bible, Jesus refers to Himself allegorically as new wine (Matthew 9:14-17, Mark 2:21-22, and Luke 5:33-39) and describes how new wine must be stored in a new wineskin. From this our company name was born. The term "Tirosh", which means "new wine" in Hebrew, sets the standard we have at Tirosh Expeditions: to strive for excellence in what we do, an excellence that glorifies Him and His word. It is our belief that our inward value should be manifested in our work as well.

In Israel, there are many tour companies that provide services to millions of tourists who visit each year. These agencies guide Christians from various denominations, backgrounds, and cultures. Accommodating diverse tourists to ensure everyone's expectations are met can be a daunting task. There are agencies that offer excellent services to those who visit, but there are some bad ones too. For those planning their pilgrimage to Israel for the first time, choosing the right tour agency is an intimidating task.

We at Tirosh Expeditions have a specific vision and purpose. Our goal is not driven by a profit-margin or making a name for ourselves in the industry. Instead, it is to offer small, private tours to an individual or groups who desire to explore the land of the Bible through the Word of God.

Here are a few reasons why our expeditions are unique and why you should consider joining our expeditions:


According to J. Julius Scott, author of Jewish Background of the New Testament, "We need to undertake a journey into a land in which we are strangers, the land of those to whom the gospel first came." Here at Tirosh Expeditions, we are passionate about the Word of God. We believe "All Scripture is given by the inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness," (2 Timothy 3:16). We also believe that God speaks to His people even today through His Word. For those who join our expeditions, we hope to directly connect the Word of God to the land of the Bible.

Another reason to join our expeditions is our partnership with the Yad Hashmona, the only Messianic Jewish community (believers in Yeshua). By joining our tours, you get to bless and be blessed by a community of Jewish believers. During your visit, you will hear their stories, how God has revealed His Son to many of the Jewish believers in Israel, and what that means to the greater church.

Tour's We Offer

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